iSpirit Dancer

{August 21, 2009}   The Rule of Finding Pleasure


“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” ~Buddha

Last night’s Nia class motivated me into some thinking about how down people are on themselves. One of my students didn’t get a move and I wasn’t concerned about her getting the move as much as I was concerned about her enjoying herself. She was busy beating herself up something awful. This is a real shame, because the majority of the time, girlfriend really dances well!

“All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think we become.”~ Buddha

I barked at her, I said, “No Judgments, especially not of yourself! There are no pleasures in judgment.”

Then I got to thinking. It amazes me every time when beautiful, talented and intelligent people are so hard on themselves. I have beautiful friends that could rule the world with their beauty alone. Yet, they are so hard on themselves, so insecure that the world picks up on it and will use it against them. Considering it’s bad enough the world is down on us, why should we join in by supporting their negative input.

It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you, not by angels or by demons, heaven or hell.
~ Buddha

When it comes to Nia there are no rules, except the Rule of Finding Pleasure. In every class, invite yourself to let go and be yourself. If that doesn’t work for you at first, be someone else for a while. What is important is to find the pleasure, play with the pleasure and become the pleasure. I promise you, it’s all inside of you, all you have to do is find it, surrender to it and allow yourself to have it only then you will become it. Pleasure will resonate through you and the world will pick up on it and admire you. Good things will come to you because it will be attracted to you.

Finding pleasure and becoming it is an exercise no different than any other form of exercise. We have to exercise confidence to become strong in it and this is what the world wants not to mention needs right now – strong, confident people.

When you become this pleasure, things like, not getting a move will not even bother you because you will be confident enough to know, you’ll get it next time. Smile; enjoy yourself because if you do you are producing positive energy not just for yourself, but also for the world.

“With our thoughts we make the world.” ~Buddha

One more quote, because I lika da quotes:

By choosing your thoughts,
and by selecting which emotional currents you will release
and which you will reinforce,
you determine the quality of your Light.
You determine the effects that you will have upon others,
and the nature of the
experiences of your life.

~ Gary Zukav – from “Seat Of The Soul” ~


Credits: Picture by benipop.

niachick says:

Thank you for your post! I appreciate your thoughts on pleasure (and how Nia is all about the pleasure principle).

It’s been my observation over the years that some folks correlate pleasure with guilt and shame. Perfection is the goal, but always an arm’s length away, so that when it is not achieved, derision and self-doubt comes in. There is no room for pleasure.

Nia does give us the opportunity to let the old ways go. I have found that seeking and ultimately finding pleasure has changed my life. Nia allows for the seeking and finding of pleasure in one’s own natural time, however, I consistently encourage my students to not settle for less than a pleasurable experience.

Pleasure is a destination. Seeking and finding it in everything I do is a mode of transportation.

Thank you!!!

Jill Campana

Hi Tina,

What a brilliant blog you have! I love this post about judgment. It is so powerful and informative and reflective…..

I love the idea of not settling for anything less than pleasure! Solid!
(hope you don’t mind me using it in class!)

Brown in Toronto

p.s. may I link your blog to mine?

Hi Jenn,

Salutations and Blessings!

I’d love for you too link up to mine!!! Fanstastic! I’m going to peruse yours now.

Jill, I know… this comment you made, “It’s been my observation over the years that some folks correlate pleasure with guilt and shame. ”

Ugh, this is so frustrating too. My goal is turn this around here in the Westside with Nia. I think all us Nia Instructors have the power to heal this way of thinking.


Danette says:

“there is no pleasure in judgment”

Oh, that’s wonderful. As a fellow pleasure seeker, I reach out and say how much I enjoyed your post. Thank you!

(I found this post through Jenn’s facebook status)

Danette 🙂

This is awesome. I, too worry about people enjoying themselves. I don’t care if they get the move, I just don’t want them to be too frustrated that they didn’t get it. I want to make sure they are enjoying themselves. I like your statement that there is no pleasure in judgment. I will have to remember to use that.

Terre, thank ya girl! I’m glad you like that and I am a firm believer in there is no pleasure in judgment.

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