iSpirit Dancer

{June 3, 2009}   Enjoy It Or Don’t Do It

But you now, you wear your soul on your sleeve, exhausting your energy, propping yourself up on a tree, mumbling, or bent over your desk, asleep. Heaven gives you a form and you wear it out by pointless argument. ~ Chuang Tzu (c.360 BC – c. 275 BC)

Before pilates today, I sat for about 5 minutes and sat on the yoga mat and breathed. Breathed thinking to myself, “I am Peace, I am Forgiveness, I am Peace!” When the Pilates Instructor came in, Linda. Love Linda, she is such a joy to be around, I love her pilates class. I also love the music she brings in, she really puts her heart into the class just with the music alone.

Well, before the class some of the people were complaining about exercising. I see it all the time, “Ok, time to work off the donuts.” Glum looks are the faces as their feet pound the treadmills, the super grunts at the weight machines. Half of the time I have this look on my face like, “Ok buddy, the restroom is that way!” Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! Lift those weights! These people totally sound miserable and I’m like, “Listen, if you don’t enjoy it, don’t do it!”

This is one of the reasons I like Nia, because it’s about enjoyment. Heck, I’ve gotten to the point where I apply the pleasure aspect of Nia to my workout on the treadmill, core exercises and lifting weights. So, instead of sounding as if I am constipated and I’m trying to take a dump as I lift weights, I say, “ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh,” as if this is wonderful. Or when I hit the treadmills maybe I use some of the 52 moves, particularly the arm exercises on the treadmill. Or when I do ab work, I float up and down and around as I listen to my music.

People don’t even look at me funny, they just admire me for my extra efforts and the beauty and grace I put in every movement.

Well, I suppose the moral of this story is in the title, so, Enjoy It Or Just Don’t Do It!


et cetera